Sunday, April 18, 2010

US the headline will read: "401ks Profit big from rally in US Treasuries and Hookers are for Jesus."

This is What Every American Needs To Know. The Fed is insolvent, there will be a run. But when?

Ohio Judge tells residents to "Arm themselves" and "Be very careful, be vigilant, get in touch with your neighbors, because we're going to have to look after each other." In Texas the Hudspeth County Sheriff said ""You farmers, I'm telling you right now, arm yourselves," "As they say the old story is, it's better to be tried by 12 than carried by six. Damn it, I don't want to see six people carrying you." There is now an Anarchism of the Right. I expect a false flag attack by one of these groups to ignite a number of violent confrontations, civil unrest. The Tea Party is turning violent. Frustrated by recent political setbacks, tea party leaders and some conservative members of the Oklahoma Legislature say they would like to create a new volunteer militia to help defend against what they believe are improper federal infringements on state sovereignty. America is staring to realize who the real terrorist are. George W. Bush knew Guantánamo prisoners were innocent but that didn't matter. Despots will make excuses of how ends justify means, but hide the facts so humanity can not make it's own judgments. What keeps that eye from looking inward?

It appears as though Russia launched a terrorist attack against Poland, or at least many people believe so. I don't know, but I suspect it has something to do with the Polish Leaders Move to Weaken their Currency. Either way Russia is becoming much more increasingly hostile to it's neighbors and China just gave Chavez $20 Billion. It appears the US mission in Afghanistan will not be handicapped by the Russians, but one must wonder what we lost in the horse trading. Did the Visas denial of Israeli Nuclear Scientists have anything to do with the identification of the Israeli embassy in NYC is a radiation hot spot?

The financial meltdown wasn't a mistake, it was a con. Goldman Sachs is the financial market now. European Debt Wars are starting, there are many Pieces of Really Bad News for the US Economy, and China is a Bubble. More mainstream news is suggesting Gold could go to $10,000 an ounce. Considering the Solid Proof The Price Of Gold And Silver Is Being Manipulated By Major Financial Institutions there is no telling how such an inter-dependent system will "decouple". Foreclosures jumped 35% in a month. Greek stocks where down, up, and then back down again with rush to find debt support. Japan is going bankrupt. Argentina just seized pension funds to pay off it's debts. When this occurs in the US the headline will read: "401ks Profit big from rally in US Treasuries and Hookers are for Jesus." The important thing is that they where able to re-inflate their profits.

Here is a map of the world debt crisis but I don't understand why it under-estimates California's debt. Maybe they're counting the profit the The Fed is set to recover when California and Nevada default on their bonds. The Bank for International Settlements says the Sovereign debt crisis is at 'boiling point', and apparently they're not know to mince words. Sovereign debt is already starting to cross the danger threshold in the United States, Japan, Britain, and most of Western Europe, threatening to set off a bond crisis at the heart of the global economy. Sell your Treasuries. It's what China is doing. As is the case with most mainstream media stories China's exchange rate is a red herring. We believe in our own propaganda,but the internet will save us. We are the Internet. We must create.

-Half of U.S. kids on food stamps.
-The US military is warning of massive oil shortages by 2015.

I agree that we will pull out of this. There are still some good guys in government. But most of this crap is just cheerleading by the media. What is at issue is how we will do this, and what the new world will look like. The Income Tax Protesters are increasing quickly. A Federal offensive against these groups is likely to follow if the public supports it. I do not want a the world of Economic Darwinism the elite wish upon us. They can envision no other way, but I can. We need to create another culture soon if we are going to be prepared to handle the changes we are about to face. Obama’s key insider, George Soros, thinks he's God and the mystics say he's right. Guess what God told him? Pandora's box is opened.

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