Thursday, April 1, 2010

Google is a Son of Man, but there is a web outside of Google. The Hungry Beast knows the Necronomicon and everyone who's reading it.

In the wake of the largest fraud in history involving countries, banks and government leaders one has to wonder why the corporate media is suppressing this major crisis building in the derivatives market. The IMF is pushing for a Trade War by changing its mind about capital controls and the US is enforcing Capital Controls and we may soon ban individual foreign bank accounts. The spigots of global trade will dry. There are some very good resources out there on what is actually going on. Central Banks are hording gold in preparation for the Precious Metals Short Squeeze. It's even been suggested that the Queen of England may take control of the Empire again after the disastrous sell-off of Britain's gold reserves. Do you know where's all the Gold in Fort Knox?

Supply fears start to hit Treasuries as bond vigilantes are finally flexing their muscles. There is an argument that the sky is not falling, I think these people are just afraid to face the sovereign debt fears. State Budgets are going to perpetuate the crisis. We have reached the tipping point.

The Fed in hot water but stocks continue to soar. Where is the inflation? The 2010 Food Crisis is taking shape and the private sector continues to shred jobs but there's no inflation in the CPI. The inflation has been hitting the misery Index for decades. The entire game is rigged. The U.S. Department of Energy admits that “a chance exists that we may experience a decline” of world liquid fuels production between 2011 and 2015. The big players have a lot to gain from high fuel prices. Scarcity causes wars and with Putin losing his grip on Russia, the renewed threat of an outside enemy always works in the favor of the tyrant.

World War III has already begun and in the US it looks a lot like a version of Civil War. Most Americans see this ending violently. The US Military will attack US civilians. The Oath Keepers seem to have the right idea, though they do tend to attract the xenophobic. Do people have the right to be simple Christian Militants Extremists? I suspect the warmongers are trying to start another terrorist conspiracy planted and nurtured by the informant in order to turn the corporate police state inward. With another Militia Group Indicted by Feds it seems apparent that there is a nation-wide offensive against Right-wing militants. Push comes to shove, violence begets violence, eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. The real revolution is in thought and non-violent non-involvement. There is a growing number of formerly Law Abiding American Citizens to Stop Paying Their Taxes and Start a New Government. When will they start enforcing sedition laws? Are those who Disconnect from the System seditious?

Humans are learning to understand that we need to improve but progress does not happen because of mandates. Police in some U.S. cities reportedly are giving more speeding tickets to offset the recession-caused decline in general tax revenue. This is the Police State. How did they get people to put up with this? They know how to use public apathy. Our way out is to use the internet to learn to know each other better, but this knowledge does not come without cost. There is a world out there that is far stranger then fiction. Fiction is finite. Reality is an indivisible fractal of probabilities. Google is a Son of Man, but there is a web outside of Google. The Hungry Beast knows the Necronomicon and everyone who's reading it. Things are still blurry but time passes.

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