Greek Treasury Bonds are now Junk. This took much of the world treasury market down with it. Japan has even resorted to the direct Freudian approach. When treasuries go down, the cost to service the debt goes up. So when treasuries go down, the national debt goes up in a spiral to default. This stability of this House of Cards assumes security in the treasury market. When treasuries go to junk the government will no longer be able to finance itself. When State and Local bonds go to junk there will be massive layoffs of all but "what is needed to maintain order". But first they plan on holding their jobs hostage for Billions more in deficit spending.
Whatever the motivations behind the short-cuts, sabotage, or military action that caused the BP spill, Government will take this as an opportunity to expand its authority. Just like how they create the excuses to use armed drones to enforce control. All the bureaucracy can see anymore is opportunities to expand control. The Government sees terror everywhere, because it creates more need of the parasite. Even Al Qaeda in Awe of Destruction Caused by our parasitic form of fascio-capitalist.
The TARP fund may have been entirely paid back, but it was only because of Fed loans and other financial trickery. The "consumer bump" that that was widely used to support the recovery was just a spending spree in the upper classes. Don't mistake disturbing information for something that needs to be depressing. Every dark cloud has a silver lining. We will come out of this thing much better then when we went into it, but we're going to have to deal with strange new unknowns and information will be your best resource.
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