Manifesto: a written statement declaring publicly the intentions, motives, or views of its issuer
After a brief sag in resolve I am coming to terms with the world around me and my place in it. I blog my ups and downs to work through my thoughts, and maintain a record of perspective.
I left my job because of how I was being treated. Not because was all that bad, I know bad. I was a enlisted and worked in the Engine Room of a Nuclear Submarine. I've literally spent months locked in the steam-room of a 300ft tube with 300 other submariners. No sunlight, no space, no privacy, no freedom, no life. I know a shitty job and I know what I am capable of tolerating. But I've learned that it's my toleration of a this shit that allows it.
I left my job because of a profound culmination of world and personal events.
I saw my country taken over by terrorist bankers.
I saw the sweatshops in China.
I had hope for Obama, and saw in crushed and spit on.
I realized the 9/11 truth is being suppressed.
I learned War is a Racket and Al-Qaeda Didn't Exist before the CIA created it.
I learned that terrorism is an intended consequence of our foreign policy.
I saw past the veil.
I became awakened to the need for non-compliance.
By becoming aware I became compelled to do something, anything. I don't know the answer, but I'm not afraid to make mistakes. The value of my missteps is the experience for myself and to share. Being the change you want to see in the world only goes so far. Recording our thoughts, actions, experiences on-line we hasten the accelerating returns. Sharing accelerates social growth. I was not only implicitly responsible, like those who shop at Walmart, I was explicitly responsible by working for the company that hired Foxconn knowing how it treated its workers. Why? Because profit was all that mattered for me and them. I was a contributing member of the Great Bidding Down of our standard of living, but I'm trying to be a better person. Depressions are all about devalued capital, this depression is fundamentally about he devaluation of human capital. They don't need us anymore. In our system of Capitalism all those who make decisions about capital allocation have a vested interest in a corrupt system. We'll never make the perfect society, but Now is the Time we need to create a mindful society. A NEW reality. I take personal responsibility for the need to be more mindful of the world I create because this change is not coming from some new law, or some populist leader, this change must come from the hearts of each of us independently. I must be the change I wish to see in the world. This is a new reality we are all coming to terms with in one way or another. This is mine. I'm not an activist, I'm a concerned citizen. I am a father of tomorrow.
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