Saturday, May 1, 2010

Sustainability is patriotism

I am convinced (97%) that economic collapse will happen in the next 10 years, most likely much sooner. This will not be a subtle restructuring of economic systems like the last Great Depression, our house of cards is much bigger this time. The cascading departures from economic assumptions of growth will cause cascading popping bubbles until all we're left with is the debt we all collected. How do you plan for such an event? How to you not plan for such an event? [I brainstorm these thoughts in a blog (mindblog) because there is value in it somewhere, even if repetitive at times.]

The issue is our lack of preparedness, and a powerful nation's sustainability to manipulation in crisis. What if we were no longer dependent on Monsanto's food, Haliburton's Oil, Pfizer's Drugs, Goldman Sachs' retirement plans, and the Fed's Dollars? What kind of security would that bring us? Better then solving the Right-Wing fundamentalist (Islam) problem by occupying an Islamic Nation with Right-Wing fundamentalist (Christian) troops? [Yes, only a fraction of our troops are Right-Wing fundamentalist. But a fraction is enough to cause the headlines that feed the cycles of violence.]

The problem is our sustainability. Usury and consumerism are not sustainable. The single largest threat to America is the sustainability of our basic needs. We are slaves to the Empire because we need the Empire to sustain our way of life, but the Empire is killing us. We need cheap goods from China because we can't afford to buy products that support the American standard of living. This situation is not sustainable. Failure will occur. Solutions need to be found before it is a crisis.

I am trying to figure out what is needed for modern sustainability. Things will not be nearly as hard as they where before the industrial revolution. We have the technology to maintain a very high standard of living that is locally sustainably. A complete break from the benefits of our empire is extremely difficult and most likely unnecessary. I don't expect power plants to shutdown because the Dollar failed, but I do expect rolling blackouts and high inflation in all energy prices. I don't expect mass starvation in America due to food shortages, but I do expect isolated shortages and high inflation. And by the time I start to tally up all my expectations I realize that my certainty of that outcome is at about 30%. The only way to plan for this event is to acclimate to a more locally sustainable standard of living before the rush. To be secure in our food supplies, to be secure in our knowledge of gardening, canning, mushroom cultivation, crafting, and de-coupling from the Empire. And then to share our perspective and experience with the internet so that it will add to our collective experience. We are only one song in our new collective culture. One antidote in a sea of chaos, but cave paintings in the clouds are our culture. My culture/perspective is not correct, but an important part of the melody.

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