Friday, March 19, 2010

The technological augmentation of a biological/geological process IS another aspect of God.

When I say God, you make far too many assumptions about what that word means. Words are the shortcuts we use to communicate, and the cause of so much miscommunication. When I say God I mean the Totality. Everything in creation. Beyond the pantheon of extraterrestrial and extradimensional intelligence that mankind may/maybe have/now/will known/know. God is the intelligence behind the Music of the Spheres, and we are a product of divine will. God is the true order in the Chaos, the music that made Suns, Planets, and an evolutionary symphony that created the human organism. There is synchronicity to the music (as above so below), and our role is not to limit/restrict/illegalize/marginalize/hate anything in the chaos. Our role is to dance to the music and experience the creation. That is why the inner-voice of intuition tells us to play and have fun.

Religion teaches only limitations to God/Everything, and so does science.

"All authority of any kind, especially in the field of thought and understanding, is the most destructive, evil thing. Leaders destroy the followers and followers destroy the leaders. You have to be your own teacher and your own disciple. You have to question everything that man has accepted as valuable, as necessary."~Jiddu Krishnamurti

Religion doesn't tell us what God is, religion tells us what God isn't. Religion limits the power of God by defining Him. Because of the misconceptions taught by a long corrupted tool of social control we now have a very limited idea of who we are and what we are. Whereas the true will of God is played out in the chaos, not the threats of institutions.

In the human existence the will of God is hastening, gaining speed as our biological/technological evolution accelerates. The technological augmentation of a biological/geological process IS another aspect of God. These rivers of Fractal Chaos are the will and mind of God. As these processes merge and cause a feedback flow of change mankind will parish, and emerge something different. This is what the Mayans saw. How could they predict the date it would happen? Synchronicity. :)

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