"vile maxim of the masters of mankind: all for ourselves and nothing for other people." ~Adam Smith
It's time to kill the Buddha.
Why did the dollar rally when the Fed raised rates to 0.75%? Because the dollar rallies when rates are raised. The more important question is why the Fed made such a surprising move now.
Although inflation mega-trend continues to forcefully manifest itself there is no sign of inflation in the consumer markets, because consumers don't have money. The US is hemorrhaging money. There is no way we are going to be able to continue to fund the deficit if this continues. We are deeply in debt and have no more money. The faucet is being turned off there's nothing we can do about it. They're dumping us, and maybe we will dump them.
If the federal government continues to spend money at the rate it's spending money, and if it continues to print money at the rate it's printing money, our economic system is going to collapse. This is the final stages of the plan to Starve the Beast, and the low/middle classes are the last thought of policy makers because we don't have lobbyists. We've never been able to compete against the well-organized Economic Elite, but this time can be different. We've spent too much time going broke to support the elite, and we're not going to get our money back. This is Freefall.
The FOIA against the FED is a start, a little research can show what is happening. It looks like the plan is Hyperinflation As A Debt Repudiation Device. This is the case for hyperinflation. This can't be mentioned by the Fed openly because expectation leads to irrational inflation... bs... bs....
Inflation is brewing in China, you can't fund countries by printing money. There's plenty of signs of Food Inflation, but it will get much worse as... expectation leads to irrational inflation. Aka, when food prices start going up investors will buy up the food at more and more irrational prices (just like any bubble) so they can sell it back to other investors who are willing to pay more. Siphoning money from the needy to the well capitalized, and when the music stops and the Ponzi scheme collapses, the well capitalized/well lobbied are bailed out.
So I'm making my plan for Peak Oil. Some are now calling it the Y-shaped downturn. It's still amazing to wonder how this not got noticed? Why doesn't everyone know that the Government Bond Market Just a Ponzi Scheme. Mostly I guess it is honest lack of understanding because people can not comprehend exponential functions, and the people who do understand have little reason to cause a panic.
Goldman Sachs used purposefully deceptive business practices to hid Greece's debts. In fact they used derivatives to hide everyone's debt (who could afford it).
It's far too late for Banning Goldman Sachs from Europe to do any good. Greece is now facing a loss of sovereignty because of it's debts. And Greece is not even the worst state in the EU. It seems to me that collapse of the euro is 'inevitable'.
It's time we get over our selfish tendencies, and take some time to see the world from a different point of view. The institutional structures lose power when people can learn for themselves.
With the Internet, there needs only be a single country that supports freedom of information. But freedom of information goes many was.
Forcing people to believe “everybody’s equal” causes an opposite and equal reaction. This is political correctness fascism. Freedom does not come from the force of government, it comes from the free action and thinking of citizens.
The US government is infiltrating neighborhood groups and Internet chat rooms for the purpose of spreading disinformation, undermining the groups efforts, and planting doubts in the minds of concerned Americans.
There is a long history of false flag terrorist attacks, but these plans within plans end up stepping on too many people's toes. Things are never what they seem. False flag terrorist attacks are the norm, not the exception. There are many reasons to think there is something wrong about this waco's terror attack. It's already being said:
"After months of threats on the United States government, and government institutions, the Anti-Government forces known as the teabaggers have struck with their first 911 inspired terrorist attack."
Of course the FBI knew of the attack before it happened, even had hazmat teams in place. Even Glen Beck Associates Tea Parties With Austin Bomber, Asks If Austin Bomber Is "Radical Constitutionalist." You think there was civil liberty infringement when Islamic Fundamentalist where the terrorists, wait until everyone who doesn't like the Federal Government is a terrorist.
Teabaggers?!? Teabaggers are facing an identity crisis after one of their members finally Googled the slang term "teabag." The Teabag movement was started by Fox News so we could have a "domestic terrorist movement". They have no will of their own other then short-term xenophobic self interest.
Maybe the Earth sized UFOs around the sun will help. The newly released British MoD files have some interesting data.
The tide is turning. The future looks good.
Scientists have identified areas of the brain that, when damaged, lead to greater spirituality.
My online presence actually creates who I am. It’s a machine that produces my identity and exists outside of me.
"We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world." - Buddha
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